I'm an executive recruiter (and part-time author/writer -- feel free to follow me because I now need to have 100+ followers on Medium and am almost there), and am a heavy user of LinkedIn. But I have a professional account, which is much different than than 95% of people on the platform who have garden-variety accounts. As a recruiter, I completely ignore the FB/Twitter nonsense that LinkedIn tossed into its platform about seven years ago in order to drive "engagement." And I agree with the author that some of the stuff I see high-level executives posting is astonishing. I used to ping CEOs and VPs whenever I saw an outrageous post that I was sure would dismay at least 80% of their workforce or staff and counsel them to tone it down a bit. Those admonitions never went over well, and were typically followed by blowback. So I stopped. I almost never read the social media aspect of LinkedIn. It's pointless. However, I do use the platform to search for candidates, reach out to them, keep people in my network informed about new opportunities, reach out to blue-chip candidates whom I could help in the future, and communicate with both candidates and clients during the hiring process. There is no other peer for LinkedIn in this regard. And if you're a working stiff, or a corporate suit, you really have no other option than to be on LinkedIn. If you're not on the platform, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. As for the social media aspect of LinkedIn, I believe the platform could jettison everything that's not actually job or career related. Seriously. I have over 13k followers, about 98% of whom are in the industry I focus on. I don't connect with anyone who isn't a potential candidate or client. Having said that, I post something fun and/or not-career-related about once a year or so. In fact, my most-viral post of any social media platform by far was a video I tossed onto LinkedIn as a lark. It was of a troop of Marine Corp Special Forces returning from a 10-mile, full-gear run. The last guy in the troop was dog-tired, but still flashed me a Shaka/surfer sign as he passed. Pretty funny. People went bonkers. The video was viewed on LinkedIn over 300k times. Might even be more now. I haven't checked. You can view it here, I think: https://bit.ly/3kNQZdi. The bottom line regarding LinkedIn: Yes, the social platform is ridiculous and has been Twitterized. Having said that, it's by far the best career-management, job-hunting tool available. So put your best foot forward, present yourself as polished and professional. Corporate recruiters and/or job-seekers will find you. Everything else is background noise. (And again, one more shameless plug, follow me on Medium. I haven't given a rip about Medium followers in the past, but now, apparently, I'm sort of required to have over 100, hence the demeaning pandering.)